I was listening to a podcast by Jordan Peterson, where he discussed the dangers of keeping secrets. He explained that secrets have a way of pushing to the surface, requiring constant emotional energy to keep them hidden. This ongoing struggle can lead to internal fragmentation, causing psychological stress and confusion. As I listened, an idea for a picture book began to form in my mind, which eventually took shape as Stella’s Secret.
However, I later discovered that there’s already a book on Amazon with the same title, Stella’s Secret, but it’s focused on Christianity and carries a completely different message from the one in my book. ISBN: 9781096755227
However, I later discovered that there’s already a book on Amazon with the same title, Stella’s Secret, but it’s focused on Christianity and carries a completely different message from the one in my book. ISBN: 9781096755227
Stella versuchte, ein unangenehmes Geheimnis zu verbergen, aber es tauchte immer wieder in beängstigender Weise bei ihr auf. Herr Whiskers, Frau Feathers und Stellas Freunde halfen ihr dabei, sich von ihrem unangenehmen und mysteriösen Geheimnis zu befreien! ISBN: 9781099111969
Stella het probeer om 'n nare geheim te verberg, maar sy het nogtans aanhoudend daaraan gedink. Die geheim het haar bang gemaak. Meneer Snorre, Kanarie en Stella se vriende het haar gehelp om van haar onaangename en misterieuse geheim ontslae te raak! ISBN: 9798642281253
Dual-Language Books: "Dual-language picture books make literacy accessible to a broader audience, including children from multilingual families, new immigrants, and English Language Learners. They allow all children to participate in the joy of reading while accommodating diverse linguistic needs." — Alma Flor Ada, author and advocate for bilingual education.
Dual-Language: Hindi / English ISBN: 9781709140877
Dual-Language: English / French ISBN: 9781659034530
Dual-Language: English / German ISBN: 9781072188865