With these prototype painted illustrations, I invite the viewer to join me in observing the depiction of an invisible life process, inspired by Richard Rohr in Falling Upwards, or The Immortal Diamond, and also by Entering the Castle by Carolyn Myss. Mentioning these titles inevitably leads me to many other titles and authors. For example, T.T. Cloete or Antjie Krog, and even Mandela (to stay within South African boundaries), immediately motivate and propel these life processes. These are events occurring on a mystical spiritual level, likely experiences that naturally take place if one prioritizes personal development.
The viewer's ability to look at the illustrations on a purely simple level, without the need for interpretation, judgment, or classification, is of utmost importance. Only when this happens can these illustrations be considered integrated (Ken Wilber: © 2009 Integral Life. All Rights Reserved. http://IntegralLife.com “Integral Art and Literary Theory”). I would even go so far as to say that what I have expressed can be regarded as naïve integrated art, inspired in part by Art Nouveau. |
In all three prototype paintings, the lines play an important role. The lines symbolize the absence of color and represent light. During the painting process, these white lines had an effect on a certain emotional event that was being resolved. I intuitively began to paint what was unfolding both emotionally and cognitively. It was as though phases could only be completed once they were symbolically expressed, and in this sense, a kind of transfer took place. What is usually invisible wanted to be expressed in color and form. The lines of light and absence of color created spaces where tension could escape, while at the same time, tension was created on the paper. Only by observing these spaces in the form of line and color could the process continue to develop. As the development on the emotional-cognitive level progressed, the form of expression also changed.
Prototype 1a contains no words at all. The light lines paved the way for the acceptance of words, messages, or perhaps insight, which gradually filled the gaps in the unfinished Prototype 1b. It is like when the heavens and Father-God, Mother-God themselves step in to complete the development. In Prototype 1c, it is clear that the self is not capable of allowing this development independently. The words are introduced from above, and because the word is the Living Word, it is effective. |
The effect originates from the vocal cords and exits through the mouth. It is a circulating state, and the circles expand so that the effect encompasses the entire being. After Prototype 1c was completed, I had a vivid dream in which my mother and grandmother lifted me out of a stream of water and passed me on to hands that passed me to even more hands (the theme of the invisible angel) until I was placed high above the earth on a cloud. From there, I looked down into the water – and that is how the Red Cloak was created. The pain body was no longer a pain body but, in truth, found protection and warmth precisely in the wound. It is the ego that is dramatically wounded and, in the second half of life, can recognize the true meaning of the events, accept them, and find comfort.